Yoga is supposed to be invigorating, relaxing,'s supposed to be a lot of things. One thing it is not supposed to be is expensive. I joined
Lifetime Fitness this week with the family to see if perhaps I could begin to do yoga on a daily basis without paying $60/week and sweating out my hair extensions. After a few small
eBay purchases to ensure a fashionable start to my new healthy beginning, I headed to the gym with kids in tow.
Day One - Hatha Yoga - Holding poses for three minutes was work and I wussed out a couple of times but surprisingly, I liked it. At the end of fifty minutes, I finally felt myself relax. Unfortunately, I tensed up when I had to walk through "meat-head market" aka the weight lifting area and get ogled by lots of smelly dudes with too much testosterone. I didn't actually see any of them chest bumping, but I'm pretty sure they did it when I wasn't looking.
Day Two - Vinyasa Flow - This was an amazing work out that kept me moving and really worked all body groups. I wasn't too into the head stands and other "heart over head" positions that supposedly get the lymphatic system moving, but, I got to improve my practice and relaxation, so that was good.
Day Three - No yoga at all. I missed the class because I had to make an exchange at
VS, so, I did cardio instead. I supposedly rode seven miles. I'm not sure if I believe that, but I WAS impressed with the fact that I could watch
Real Housewives of Atlanta, work out, text message my girlfriends, stare at other people on the sly, listen to
Slacker Radio AND work out all at the same time. Go me! Afterwards, I enjoyed a swim in the pool with the kids and a dip in the hot tub which was, after all, the icing on the cake.
At this stage, it's looking like it's going to be worth it. No, the yoga studio isn't as hot or intense as it was at my previous studio. But, it's still pretty damn great, and my hair is looking none to worse for the wear. It looks like I'll be heading back to
eBay to purchase some more cute yoga gear in the near future...